Hey there friends! It's time for a little life update.
No surprise here, but in case you're wondering, Pedro and I made it out to LA. Needless to say, I am in love with California.
Toronto will always be my home, but from the moment I felt that warm California glow on my skin for the first time, I knew that, this was the place. It just felt right. Where Toronto always feels safe, and Boston never quite fit, every day in Los Angeles is an adventure.
OK, maybe I'm exaggerating. I mostly just stay home and cuddle with Rudie a lot. I go to the rock climbing gym and I do yoga, and eat salads and tacos and In N Out. Sometimes Pedro and I drink beers, and go to the movies.
It's really not all that exciting. But we're out here, and we are building a life in this crazy city, somehow.
If I'm being completely honest, I have no clue what I'm doing, but I'm doing my best. Just manifesting this (not so) crazy vision that I've spent years creating.
I have had this image in my head of a wall hanging like the one above adorning the walls of my home. So like so many other things in my life, I made it. It was the first thing we hung up on the walls of our apartment, and it feels special. The textures are cozy and comforting, and the colours are a calming addition to my yoga corner. It's the little things that make a space feel like home.
FYI - I have unpacked every single box (this has literally never happened in any place I've lived), and it's finally starting to feel real. We live here. And I love it. It's so far away from everything I have ever known, but I love it.
I don't want to give the impression that life is perfect, or that things are easy, because that's not the case at all.
I'm just here to say (again), that if there is something that you want in this life, you need to go for it. Don't let your fears hold you back, because you are absolutely capable. Figure out what you want, and make a plan to get yourself there. Because I honestly believe that we all deserve to live a life that makes us happy.
And life may be (perfectly) imperfect, but still, I sit here, beaming.
I look back and think about all of the twists and turns in my life, and the lives of so many others that brought me here, to this moment, and I am so incredibly grateful.
Los Angeles, I'm yours.